Amanda – To The Moon & Back

It was the perfect way to welcome the first day of the new year with one of my closest friends during a golden sunlit session. This was such an incredible time playing with light from within and without. Amanda left me speechless with every gust of wind in her hair, her stunning smile and golden glow behind her. 

This country girl is full of Sass and I can also say with certainty that she is good through and through. She has a heart of solid gold that always finds its way to shine from her heart every day. I feel incredibly blessed to know her and call her my friend. “I love you to the moon and back” is a very special phrase for Amanda. She shares it with her best friend that lives half way across the country. Even with the distance there is always the moon, the same moon to gaze at and feel close. It’s such a truth for many of us that are separated from  family and friends – The only distance we suffer is the road. Otherwise our love, memories & warmth are always present and need only be reminded by a glance of the same moon and starlit night.


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